Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Boi - You aint no DJ ft yelawolf

A woman in China lost her hearing from kissing her boyfriend.

A passionate kiss reduced pressure in her mouth, which pulled her eardrum out, rupturing it. This caused her to lose her hearing. Her doctor said that it would take 2 months for her hearing to come back to normal.

Source /

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chocolate can help you live longer.

Chocolate has antioxidants that can protect you against heart disease. Dark chocolate has 8 times the amount of antioxidants than strawberries. The flavonoids help relax blood pressure by producing nitric oxide.
A small bar of dark chocolate every day can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Chocolate also has serotonin which acts as an antidepressant.
Also, while chocolate has fat, most of the fat in chocolate does not impact your cholesterol.

Chocolate is still high-calorie and high-fat, so you need to eat in moderation. You don't need more than about 3.5 ounces of chocolate to receive the benefits.

If you want to eat chocolate to improve your health, eat dark chocolate because it has the most antioxidants, don't eat too much of it, and don't eat it with milk. Milk can prevent your body from processing the antioxidants.



Men account for 3 quarters of all sexsomniacs. In Britain, sexsomnia has been used as a defense for a defendant's actions.
The range of sexual activities that can happen during sleep can range from masturbation, sex, and even crimes like sexual assault and rape!
In some cases, sexsomniacs are actually better in bed when they are asleep.

Source :

Self-lacing sneakers!

Self-lacing sneakers!

A microwave can disrupt your wi-fi signal

The radiation emitted from microwaves and Wi-Fi connections are in the same range of frequencies. It's possible that a powerful microwave could disrupt a weak wi-fi signal within 3 meters from each other.

However, this is unlikely, and if it is happening frequently, your microwave is emitting too much radiation. There might be a leak, and you should probably think about getting a new microwave.


The teenage girl who is allergic to WATER

Teenager Ashleigh Morris can't go swimming, soak in a hot bath or enjoy a shower after a stressful day's work - she's allergic to water.

Even sweating brings the 19-year-old out in a painful rash.

Ashleigh, from Melbourne, Australia, is allergic to water of any temperature, a condition she's lived with since she was 14.

(Ashleigh, 19, has been allergic to water for five years)

She suffers from an extremely rare skin disorder called Aquagenic Urticaria - so unusual that only a handful of cases are documented worldwide.

When Ashleigh gets wet her body explodes in sore, itchy red lumps that take about two hours to ease.

She has to wash. But showering is a painful experience and she can only do it for a minute at a time.

These brief showers are the only contact Ashleigh has with water. The one thing she doesn't miss is the washing up.

"People find it hard to believe, they say things like 'Oh my god, how do you wash.

The rash Ashleigh gets after coming into contact with water is MORE painful than it looks

"That makes me feel dirty, but I consider myself a very clean person," she said.

Most of us take showering for granted but for Ashleigh it's a painful endurance that often reduces her to tears.

"Although my rash is unsightly, and often looks like I'm diseased, the feeling is so much worse than it looks," she said.

"I can't go anywhere for about two hours afterwards because it's so severe.

"There's been many occasions where I've been so itchy, I've made myself bleed from scratching."

Away from water pretty Ashleigh appears like any other healthy teenager.

She leads a busy life studying Journalism and Public Relations at university and working in an office.

But if she gets wet she attracts unwanted attention.

"People stare at me in the street," said Ashleigh who lives with her mum Louise Miller, 42.

"After a shower I stay at home until it goes away, that frees me of the burden of having to explain."

Ashleigh spends a lot of time explaining her condition because few people have heard of it. Most doctors and dermatologists have never seen a case of it. "Many people don't even believe me when I tell them," said Ashleigh, who hardly believed it herself at first.

She developed the condition five years ago after an acute case of tonsillitis. She was prescribed a heavy dose of penicillin that rid her of the tonsillitis but left her with another problem.

"I suddenly started getting a rash after I showered or swam," says Ashleigh who used to swim regularly and spend a lot of time at the beach.

"I tried to ignore it but it got progressively worse so I went to see a dermatologist."

Ashleigh's dermatologist, Professor Rodney Sinclair, told her the penicillin had altered the histamine levels in her body and caused the Aquagenic Urticaria to occur.

There is no cure and no successful treatment for the condition so the gravity of the situation began to dawn on the 14-year-old Ashleigh.

"I was in disbelief for a while, but I soon realised how serious it was.

"I cried for a few hours, then picked myself up, and kept going. I realised it was something I had to live with," she says.

So Ashleigh found ways to avoid water - she stopped doing sports and anything that made her sweat.

She makes sure she stays in air-conditioned places and always has an umbrella in her car. Her family and boyfriend of three years, Adam, 23, are very supportive but her condition makes intimate moments with her Adam a little difficult.

"We have to sleep with a sheet between us at night, and I can't go near him if he's sweaty," said Ashleigh.

Even the experts seem a little vague about Aquagenic Urticaria.

Dermatologists agree there's an association with elevated blood histamine levels, but there are other processes at work since antihistamine drugs often provide no relief at all.

Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists says: "There isn't a wealth of information about Aquagenic Urticaria because it's extremely rare.

"We're not sure how many cases there are in the world and we do not yet fully understand the precise mechanisms that trigger the weals."


Facebook language !!!

You can change your language on Facebook to "Pirate."

This includes calling friends "Mateys", the word "Cap'n" appears before everyone's name, pictures are called portraits, commenting is called "scrawling a mark", and instead of liking something you just say "Arr!".

You have to go into "Account" and then "Languages" and find "English (Pirate)".

Dj Tiesto in the booth (live)

Watch the on-demand concert stream of Tiësto's legendary show from Amsterdam 2010 available now on InTheBooth!

Join InTheBooth to watch it and many others including London, Los Angeles, Melbourne and the opening night of the Kaleidoscope World Tour in New York City. Membership also gets you exclusive Tiësto content incl...(tharr be more)uding all the latest news, behind the scenes footage from the tour, concert videos, access to the entire Tiësto audio back catalogue streaming on-demand and a chance to hear tracks that Tiësto is making before anyone else!

CLICK HERE (to enter the DJ BOOTH)

Monday, October 4, 2010

DR.Dre`s POwer BEATS !!!

Music is a driving force in the game of many top athletes. And now it can bring out the best in yours. Powerbeats combines sonic superiority with a comfortable fit that won’t quit. You’ll hear full range sound with clarity and power, plus your surroundings. And an adjustable/bendable ear hook with flexible arm keeps Powerbeats securely in place, no matter how hard you play.

AR Rahman Connection !!!

AR RAHMAN_ JIYA SE JIYA -connection the album-

Eminem_feat Lil Wayne : No LOve

Turn the px to 1080 to see the best quality in HD

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pocket Wizard (mini TT1 and Flex TT5)

Pocket Wizard (wireless trasmitter 4Flash)

PocketWizard is a wireless radio triggering system for off-camera lighting developed in the late 1990s, by LPA Design. It requires a transmitter electrically connected to the camera, usually mounted on the camera's hot shoe to trigger a remote receiver connected to a remote flash unit via a PC Cord.

Whether you’re firing a remote camera mounted on an airplane wing, using TTL flash for a wedding or working a fashion shoot with Manual Power Control, PocketWizard’s wireless triggering systems make it possible. PocketWizard radio systems enable untethered triggering between all components of your photographic system, no matter how simple or complex your remote triggering needs. With both E-TTL II and Manual Power Control capability, photographers have a reliable solution for either off-camera TTL flash or manual remote control of flash zones. PocketWizard has made this possible with the Slide-n-Shoot simplicity of the new ControlTL™ system featuring the MiniTT1™ Transmitter and FlexTT5™ Transceiver for Canon. Add the MiniTT1 and FlexTT5 to the existing product line of Plus II’s and MultiMAX’s and the photographic possibilities are endless.